Tuesday, January 31, 2006

God is blue

My sunday school student knows God holds the whole world in his hands, therefore God's hands are blue.

I love teaching Sunday School

I love teaching Sunday School! I will be sharing stories and lesson plans that have worked well in my pre-school class.

Sunday I prepared lunch bags with goldfish and cinnamon toast crunch. some of the bags had nothing in them, others quite a lot. After a ritual handwashing, Everyone poured their treats at the same time onto their paper plates. What a surprise, they are accustommed to things being counted out meticulously to be fair. I suggested we could pour them all together and redistribute them more fairly. (I did not force the issue.) after initial "No way"s, they all agreed to do it. I told them how it makes Jesus smile when we share what we have with others. We followed with the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 out of the one little boys lunch.