Saturday, September 30, 2006


The sky was a delicate shade of Peach as I looked out my
kitchen window this morning, so I decided to look for the sunrise in the east. There was a brilliant spot of gold peaking through the top of a cornfield. The horizon was clear, but a wall of clouds followed closely. It was glorious. Pure gold would not have shone any brighter than the bottom line of this formation. The colors went from brilliant gold and oranges to pastels, to the dark blue- gray of clouds who were completely shut out from the sun.

I am always inspired to praise my Creator when he paints such masterpieces. I got to thinking how the clear sky is always wonderful and encouraging, But His light shining on thick clouds, or adversity, truly paints the most powerful and memorable picture.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I went to a visitation for the mother of a family friend this week. It was a two hour wait in line. I was hoping to spend a half hour, to encourage and show a friend support.

As I stood alone for about two hours, my mind started comparing the behavior of these people, with the fifth graders at school. No-one was yelling, "He cut," or "I was here first." No one was whining about how long it was taking, how hungry they were, or why did I have to be here anyway. Sometimes when I get tired, I start having very strange mental images.

Will my kids at school ever be adults? Will they ever be able to put the needs of others above their own needs? I do not think all of them will make it to that point, but it is why I chose the job that I did. There are so many things they need to learn if they are ever going to be functioning adults, and it is not all math, reading, and science.