Monday, March 13, 2006

I really miss teaching Sunday School

It has been a month since I developed a lesson and taught Sunday school, and I miss it. There is no such thing as a simple lesson. I learn atleast as much as the kids do, although some lessons need to be made more palatable for a young child.

A lesson in point is the week we talked about David's sin. There were so many lessons to be learned from the life of David that we spent 4 or 5 weeks on him. Obviously, three-year-olds do not need to hear the whole story of David and Bathsheba. They can understand the concept of sin, however. They know when they have done something wrong, and they try to hide it. David did the same thing, he tried to hide his sin and it just got worse and worse and worse until he confessed it to God. The way I explained it is I brought a black balloon. the first bad thing David did was a little air in the balloon, and I tried to put it in my pocket at that time. Every time he did something bad to try to hide it I put more air in the balloon, til there was no way to hide the balloon anywhere. We popped the balloon when he confessed his sin.


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