Sunday, April 23, 2006

Promises, Promises

My Sunday School class has followed the theme of God's promises. Does God keep his promises? How long do we have to wait. We studied God's promises to Abraham. God promised Abraham he would not be able to count all his descendants. He had one little boy, when he and Sarah were well past the age to be having children. We spent weeks on that theme, studying Isaac, Jacob and Esau, and finally the twelve sons of Jacob. We talked about the crowd of people Moses led out of Egypt. Sometimes it takes a long time before we see the promise fulfilled, but God always keeps his promises.

We talked about the promise made to Adam and Eve, that God would make a way back. We learned that Jesus was the answer and fulfillment of that promise. Jesus promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit. We will be talking about that in the next weeks. He promised He would come back and take us to our home in heaven with him. We can look forward to that because he keeps his promises.

We will also be working on carry the cross awards.
My class can earn an award by :

Singing "Jesus Loves Me," or any other Christian song.

Repeat any one promise God has fulfilled, and any that we can expect him to fulfill.

Do Sign language for: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Repeat any Memory Verse from the bible.

To get the award they must find any member of C.E. committee,or SS teacher and prove they can do one of these tasks individually. Please help them at home to learn one of these things, and then be sure we know to test them.

Thanks for the joy of working with your beautiful children! anne


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